Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Blues

Just for fun, Karen's Backyard Chicken Blog has a new look.
The girls are still frolicking all over the yard. As long as the wind isn't blowing fiercely, I believe they will continue to venture outside. They do not like to be cooped up and they do not hesitiate to vocalize their displeasure with me when I close them up into the aviary which is attached to the back side of their coop.
The girls are five and one half months old now. Three are laying: Yolanda, Ditzy and Mabeline (I think). Yolanda's eggs are light brown with small white specks. Ditzy's are a soft beige/brown all over. Mabeline's eggs are dark brown. One of the girls layed an egg without the shell in the yard under some pine branches that came down during last week's strong winds. I am not concerned, as this is common according to experienced keepers.

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